What we have once enjoyed deeply we can never lose. All that we love deeply becomes a part of us. -Helen Keller
It's been an incredible hard 10 months. My family has experienced so much loss. This is actually a hard post for me to write. In the last 10 months, my husband and I have lost my Uncle John, my friend Signey, Dennis's grandfather and now my Aunt Margie. My parents had been going through the same list of loss plus one more with a good friend of theirs.
This amazing couple pictured above, was family, adopted family, but family none the less. John and Margie had been in my mom's life sense high school. They met me when I was 4. While I didn't see them a whole lot when I was younger, we really grew a bond in my adult life. Both of these people were amazing, caring, sassy, fun loving, wine enthusiasts, foodies and God-loving people.
John, or as I call him, Uncle John, became my cycling buddy. He was so excited that I had given up running and became a cyclist. He was a die hard Specialized bicycle fan. I rode Trek. He would always razz me about riding Trek. I would always quip back with telling him that in each stage of the Tour du France, that I never saw a Specialized. It was good fun. John and my dad always enjoyed having a beer together and talking about life out on the deck or out by the pool. Anyone who met John, had an immediate friend. He was a man of excellence and always did things with that attitude. His bike was spotless, as was his car, garage and even his yard. He loved to barbecue. He had a heart for the Lord, loved his wife and kid fiercely and was very active in not only the cycling community, but in his local community as well.
Aunt Margie was equally amazing. Sassy, fierce, loved family, loved Jesus and loved to laugh. She was very generous and loved to entertain family and friends. Any time we were over, she made sure that I had a glass of wine and Dennis had a beer. Dennis and I really got to know Margie after the passing of John. We were up at her place just about once a week. Hanging out, talking, enjoying meals, laughs and memories, playing with Benny and Coopy and of course the llamas. There were tears when we would talk about John, but there was also laughter too. She loved her friends and family and would not tolerate people treating her loved ones with any grief. We would explore new restaurants together and just talk about life. We texted pretty much every day.
John and Margie had been an item since they were in high school. He loved her so fiercely and he was her world. Even though I miss them both terribly, I take comfort in knowing that they are reunited in heaven with our Lord. I still miss them. I still shed tears for their passing, but I do know that one day I will see them again.