This is a place for favorite fibers, tools, tips, videos and more...
Yarn basics is just that, the basics on all things pertaining to yarn, knitting and more. This is the section that I will be posting on my favorite yarn brands, tools, tips, and even videos.
Here's a little gallery one of my favorite yarn labels, Malabrigo Dos Tierras. It is a glorious DK weight yarn that is so very scrumptious and versatile. I have made shawls, hats, sweaters, writs warmers and cowls with it. It is not only super soft, but very easy to work with.
I love yarn bowls. Not only are they a way to keep unruly yarn in check, they are also a great decorative piece. I have several yarn bowls. Some ceramic, like the one pictured above, and some are wood. I will be doing a post later on about this wonderful, handmade wooden yarn bowl from a dear friend of mine.

I have also included some pattern books. While indeed, those should fall under the pattern section, Dos Tierras is perfect for some of the patterns in the 2 books pictured above. I am also published in both of these books as well. I took pictures of the pages that show an image of my pattern.
If there are any particular items you would like to see reviewed or know more about, drop a comment. If there is a particular technique you want to learn, drop me a comment and we will make a video. Be sure to check back for more postings later on tips, tools, videos and more...
Thanks for stopping by and be sure to check back later for more fun posts!